Storm Damage

What can we learn from previous storm events?

Storm Arwen - (2021)

Storm Arwen had a huge impact on Cumbria.

What was the response?

Firstly the priority was to restore power and access to Cumbria’s properties. This was a mammoth task. Safety was paramount for both public and contractors. Landowners needed to check the lines of footpaths, roads and bridleways to check for hanging limbs and disturbed root plates.

Windblown trees are dangerous. Wood is capable of huge tension, and changing the forces by removing limbs, moving surrounding trees or cutting into a trunk, can have unpredictable and catastrophic results. It’s often difficult to assess whether a tree’s root plate is secure and how the trees interact with one another. Ideally, do the work mechanically from within a steel cab. The operator needs to have the appropriate qualifications (chainsaw use on windblown trees is an advanced and specialist competency), but also have considerable experience – tackling these trees needs a plan!

In the medium term, the need is to assess the impact on woodlands. This is achieved best by plane or helicopter aerial survey across the whole of the area. Though the woodland may look devasted, the ecological/biodiversity impact of such a storm on the woodland system is minimal. If you’re able to resist ‘tidying up’; nature loves a mess! We would encourage you to retain as much dead and decaying wood as possible, as the ecosystem desperately needs it.

Aerial decaying wood is extremely valuable as well as decaying wood on the ground. Great for saproxylic insects, fungi, and good for the soil. Tangled brash on the woodland floor also encourages natural regeneration providing some protection from browsing herbivores. Holes in the canopy also provide light to the floor encouraging flora, baby trees, and the associated insect and birdlife.

Case Study: Storm Damage

An opportunity for decaying wood

Site- High Rigg Brown and Low Rigg BrownArea- 8.23ha (part of woodland in a wider estate)Objectives- Enhance Biodiversity, and increase habitat.Years in management- Decades (exact timescales unknown)Overview- ASNW and PAWS mix. A mix of existing beech and conifer plantation, wet woodland, and base-rich Ash woodland, and also includes pre-plantation trees in some areas.Threats- Rhododendron, some conifer, some shading plantation species such as beech, deer pressure.

Storm Arwen Response - Panel Discussion

As a response to Storm Arwen, Cumbria Woodlands held a meeting to discuss the next steps for woodlands and trees

Trees Outside Woods

In-field trees, hedgerow trees, roadside trees, wood pasture and parkland trees are vulnerable to storm damage. These are our trees outside woods, which constitute most of our most mature, veteran and ancient trees.

These trees are not part of a resilient system that allows regeneration, and there is a worry that once these trees are lost, there is no plan for succession. Open-grown trees are an incredibly rich and diverse ecosystem, as well as being hugely important to our cultural and landscape heritage. Crucially, if you’re able to retain a fallen tree where it is, there is a huge ecological benefit. The tree may survive as a phoenix tree, it may layer where it is. Even if it doesn’t survive, the habitat and shelter it creates is valuable, as is the return of nutrients to the soil. The fallen wood will protect the soil from compaction from livestock, and may even allow regeneration in a pasture setting.In the longer term, for trees outside woods, the main thing is to protect their root system. Remember that the roots of an open-grown tree extend well beyond the canopy! No guarantees, but avoiding storage of materials, soil compaction or disturbance around the tree is our best bet to retain these beautiful organisms. If you're a landowner or adviser, consider succession planning for open-grown trees, and check out the Ancient Tree Forum website for specific advice.

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