
Empowering and enabling woodland owners to take the first steps in woodland management

The Who:What:Where Woodland Hub and Directory will guide woodland owners in the right direction, offering them both practical information in the palm of their hand and access to the products and services they may need.

Woodland advice is one of the core services that Cumbria Woodlands has been offering for 30 years. Feedback from this process has guided us towards this project and has given us the clarity to now offer this combined solution. This project links owners with both guidance and services, thus supporting them but also supporting the industry.

Woodland Guidance Series

Part of our Who:What:Where project funded by the Forestry Commission Forestry Innovation Fund to support demystifying and increasing the quality of new woodland creation and management

Our new Woodland Guidance Series is being created to hand-hold new woodland owners and creators through those first valuable steps of woodland design and management.

The series will include 10 guides produced as PDFs to download and share. Each of these guides will also be produced in an online dynamic format on Canopy Learning where you will find additional links and support.

The Woodland Guidance Series is made up of 10 important themes identified by a reference group made up of new and recent woodland owners, new woodland creators and local advisors:

  1. Planning your new woodland
  2. Objectives for your woodland
  3. How to plant trees
  4. Protecting your trees
  5. Tree tubes and shelters
  6. Successful establishment and aftercare
  7. Mature woodland management
  8. Threats and considerations
  9. Tree pests and diseases
  10. Sensitive sites and protected features

The Woodland Guidance Series is due to be released in 2025

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