Succesful events at Thirlmere

September has seen two events held at Thirlmere looking at the ongoing Ancient Woodland Restoration work. Firstly we had our PAWS walk and talk event hosted by Jamie and Bryce, which looked at the management work at Great How at the north end of Thirlmere. This event was sold out and enjoyed by all who attended! You can keep an eye on our training page for upcoming events HERE.

This was then followed by an event organised by our partners; The Lake District Foundation who arranged for a group of students from Tokyo to come and visit the project in Thirlmere to see how Ancient Woodlands are managed in the UK and Bryce had the pleasure of showing them around his patch.

"I was very impressed by the students' range of knowledge and grasp of forestry as well as the interesting questions being asked and was glad to hear they were inspired by their visit." Bryce, Graduate Forester 

"I just want to thank you for hosting our visit on Wednesday; you gave us a terrific introduction to your work at Great Howe, and I know that the students were enthused not just by the work you do, but by your passion for your work, and the energy you bring to it. Yours is a great voice for the trees, and we were certainly all listening hard that morning!" Tracey Gannon, (group leader)

"The students gave me an overview of how Japanese forests are managed and hearing the differences and similarities to UK forestry was very interesting. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to visit Japan and get a better understanding of the diverse ways in which the woodlands are cared for." Bryce, Graduate Forester

Read more about the trip here -

Find out more about the Thirlmere Ancient Woodland Restoration Project HERE

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