NDA announces £200,000 boost for Cumbria's Coastal Community Forest

As part of National Tree Week, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has announced £200,000 of funding for England’s newest Community Forest in Cumbria.

This welcome additional funding over

Land Owners, Foresters and Farm Forests

How do we combine farming and trees?

Hometree has produced this excellent video featuring a discussion of the challenges and rewards of farm forestry, and the state's role.

The discussion is hosted

Case Study - Coppicing woodland products Great Lindeth Ancient Woodland Restoration

Restoration work at Great Lindeth

Jo Clayton and Darryl Kelbrick work on 33 acres of Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland and Plantation on Ancient Woodland Site in the Lake District National Park.


£220k boost for Integrated Woodland Management Support project

We are delighted to announce the successful funding for our Integrated Woodland Management Support project. Cumbria Woodlands, Sylva Foundation and Evolving Forests awarded £220k from the Woods into

Can you help transform the Ancient Tree Inventory?

The Ancient Tree Inventory has received a boost of investment and the Woodland Trust is giving it a review in order to improve its digital capabilities and make it work better for different user

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