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Since 2022 Cumbria Woodlands has partnered with the Lake District Foundation to encourage woodland management and woodland creation across the county. The Woodland

Woodland Management Planning Course Launched On Canopy Learning

New support for creating Woodland Management Plans

We are proud to announce our new support for creating a Woodland Management Plan for woodland owners and managers at all stages of the planning

Continuous Cover Forestry Site Visit Report

This week we ran our first CCF site visit with 36 people from forestry professionals to researchers, students to owners, all of whom were keen to learn more about Continous Cover Forestry.

This event

Continuous Cover Forestry Webinar Now Available To Watch

We recently hosted our 'Getting Started in Continuous Cover Forestry' webinar which is now available to watch at your leisure on YouTube.

You can find it on our Guidance Pages HERE

Or watch below...

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