Woodland Management Planning Course Launched On Canopy Learning

New support for creating Woodland Management Plans

We are proud to announce our new support for creating a Woodland Management Plan for woodland owners and managers at all stages of the planning process.

Whether you are a new woodland owner or further along the process, this support will underpin the entire planning journey and help you submit a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan.

Support includes:

New Woodland Management Planning course on our Canopy Learning platform.

A new complete free-to-access resource for Woodland Management Planning from start to finish developed by Cumbria Woodlands. This comprehensive support provides step-by-step assistance to develop a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan and can be used as a stand-alone resource for any stage of the plan development process.

Register to use Canopy Learning- CLICK HERE

Access the Woodland Management Planning course- CLICK HERE

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New functionality to support woodland owners and managers to develop their management plans within the myForest system.

Developed by the Sylva Foundation, the myForest Woodland Management Plan editor now provides an enhanced user experience with an interactive tour, links to the Woodland Management Planning course in Canopy Learning, colour coded progress indicators, improved navigation and more links to external guidance.

Access myForest- CLICK HERE

New video series underpinning the Woodland Management Planning support materials.

Produced by Evolving Forests, with Cumbria Woodlands and Sylva Foundation, this series of short videos is designed to support decision making processes and show examples of best-practice for each step of the creation and development of Woodland Management Plans.

Free Webinar

To celebrate the release of our new Woodland Management Planning support, join us in our upcoming Webinar 7pm 25th June with a Q&A with the creators of the Woodland Management Plan course.

The panel will include-

  • Andrew Clark and Paul Orsi from Sylva Foundation: Developers of the myForest system
  • Carrie Hedges from Cumbria Woodlands: Author of the Woodland Management Planning course on Canopy Learning
  • Katherine Giles and Jeremy Ralph from Evolving Forests: Creators of the video series

To book a place head to TryBooking here.

This project was made possible by the Forestry Commission’s Forestry Innovation Fund

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