Up To £28,900 per Hectare for Woodland Creation

The Forestry Commission has updated the payments for the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO).

The maximum available for capital works remains the same at £10,200, the rates for individual items were increased last year.

Maintenance payments have been increased from £350 to £400 per hectare per year for 15 years, which is a total of £6,000/ha.

Additional contribution rates have been increased and there is a new rate of £1,100 for low-sensitivity land. This is land that has low environmental constraints and lower food production potential. The total available for additional contributions is now £12,700.

Combining these increases with the recent announcement of fast-tracking low-sensitivity schemes (the same schemes that are eligible for the £1,100 payment), the Forestry Commission are taking woodland creation as seriously as ever.

You can read the new guidance HERE and read the latest updates HERE

Want to understand how you could use woods and trees to improve your land and access these new payments?

Contact us here for a chat-  info@cumbriawoodlands.co.uk

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