Forest and Arboriculture Training Fund

The Forestry Commission has announced that the Forestry and Arboriculture Training Fund is due to open again for applications in the coming weeks.

"Our training providers offer fully-funded courses from, but not limited to, planning and planting a new woodland, coppicing, deer stalking, chainsaw maintenance, marketing and selling timber. Arboriculture courses include aerial tree pruning, branch removal and crown reduction, as well as assisted felling and tree surveying.

All you need to do is select the right training for you from our list of eligible courses, choose a training provider from the register, and fill in the application form. Please note that all training must be completed by no later than 31st March 2025."

The Forestry Commission’s e-alert will announce when the fund reopens, and you can sign up HERE.

If you are going to apply for grant funding, they advise that you identify your chosen training provider for the course for which you would like to request grant funding before the fund opens. This can be done using the search function on the website here-

Cumbria Woodlands Courses for the Training Fund-

  • Ground Preparation for Woodland Creation (online)
  • Planning a forest: Site assessment & Tree species selection (Tree Story/Jens Haufe)
  • Tree Marking - Transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry (Ted Wilson)
  • Deer Management - DSC 1 and/or DSC 2
  • Chainsaw Course - Lantra Tree felling over 380mm
  • Chainsaw Course - Lantra Awards Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees

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