EVENT- Introduction To Short Rotation Coppice

An Introduction to short rotation coppice – come and explore all aspects of short rotation coppice including; growing, managing, harvesting and the end market opportunities.

This free session is

EVENT- Cannerheugh Open Day - Keeping Stock Outside Longer

After visiting Nic and Renno’s farm in the summer to learn how they have implemented a rotational grazing system supported by trees and hedges we thought we’d go back and see them at a less

What Could Wide Hedges Do For You?

A wide hedge in the North Pennines-

Words and photos- Nic Renison

Late in 2018 whilst walking and talking through our fields with our mate and tree guru, Pete Leeson from the Woodland Trust, we got

How can data improve woodland management? (Webinar)

How can data improve woodland management?

Join Cumbria Woodlands and Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre for a webinar all about the advantages of recording and sharing species information.

Learn about

Canopy Learning Wins RFS Award

The RFS Education and Learning Excellence Award recognises those who increase awareness, understanding and skills related to the environment, particularly forestry.

Congratulations go to gold

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