Woods Into Management Course now Online!

Following the huge success of our Woods Into Management Course which we ran last year live on YouTube, we are pleased to announce that the course is now hosted on Canopy Learning and is open for enrolment.

The course is currently free and covers five modules, each divided into smaller units, allowing learners to move through the content at their own pace and revisit any sections they may choose.

The modules are -
Module 1 - Management objectives
Module 2 - Assessing the condition of a woodland
Module 3 - Silviculture
Module 4 - Maintaining a healthy woodland
Module 5 - Woodland products and services

The course is presented as a series of videos produced especially for this course. Developed and presented by Kath Giles and Jez Ralph, they provide a friendly, knowledgable and entertaining approach to woodland management and all of its joys and challenges.

You can head to the course right now- https://lms.cumbriawoodlands.co.uk/

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