More Potentially Game Changing EWCO Updates
This week the FC made the following three changes to the England Woodland Creation Offer
First up there are four new standard cost items. Have a look at Appendix 1 of the EWCO grant manual for more details HERE
- Tree wraps
- Temporary electrical fencing
- Badger tubes
- Deer repellent
The supplement for tree wraps is potentially a game changer as this could add £1.23 per tree to the original £1.73 payment for 'supply and plant tree'.
The £1.73 payment already includes adding a 0.6m or 0.75m guard and cane, so are we getting paid £1.23 to switch to a different type of guard? It seems like it. Why? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, get planting!
Lochlan Dulson, Project Manager - Woodland Futures
The second change we have noticed is that “Applicants can now access the Nature Recovery Additional Contribution for woodland creation for red squirrel outside of the spatial targeting area, where this is supported by Red Squirrels Northern England”.
The third and final change is that the Forestry Commission will “now allow up to 15% Scots pine in the species mix for the Riparian Buffer Additional Contribution where it will preserve the presence of Scots pine in the immediate area. The Scots pine planting stock must be of native provenance”.
Want to find out more about what this might mean for you? Get in touch with Cumbria Woodlands via the Woodland Advisory Service to find out for FREE how these grants could help you.